My first full week of retirement was filled with being a participant with the Boy Scout Varsity Team and Venture Crew 452 summer high adventure trip. There were 9 young men (ages 14 to 17) and 2 adults who took on the challenge of biking the Oregon Coast from Astoria to Tilamook Oregon. The boys pedaled over 100 miles over 4-1/2 days. I drove the support vehicle.
We started at the Astoria Column. We camped the first night at Fort Stevens State Park. We enjoyed exploring the old fort the next morning. Along the way we also camped at Nehalem Bay and Cape Lookout State Parks. We ended our trip at the Tilamook Air Museum
(Site of a World War II Naval Blimp Base - one of two blimp hangars is still there (over 1000 feet long and almost 300 feet tall). So for the day .... I was still surrounded by Aviation even though I am no longer a Boeing Employee.